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Leadership: 4 Course Bundle

£20.00 incl. VAT

This bundle of four 100% online training courses includes essential skills and knowledge that leaders in any business should be aware of.


The Bundle includes all four of the following courses:

– Team Management,

– Efficient Meetings,

– Conflict Resolution,

– Presentation Skills.


Please scroll down to find out more information about the timing and contents of each course.


Completing all five courses will take around 135 minutes, they all include a knowledge review and each has a downloadable Certificate of Completion.


Note: all of our CPD courses can be tailored to the specific needs of your business. Please contact the team for more information.

If you are buying 10+ CPD courses, we offer a bulk buy discount.  See below for more information.


To purchase, click the ‘Add to Basket’ button below, and complete the checkout process.




The Bundle includes the following courses:


Team Management (45mins)

This 100% online training course teaches you about essential skills and approaches that will enable you to manage your team more effectively.


In this course you will learn about:

– The importance of good team management and required skills,

– Essential qualities of good leadership,

– Common personality types and working styles,

– Different management styles,

– Team manager tasks and how to perform them successfully.


And understand:

– What are essential aspects of good team management,

– How to recognizing and deal with different personality types,

– What are the benefits and drawbacks of common management styles,

– How to evaluate performance and assign responsibilities.


Efficient Meetings (50mins)

This 100% online training course teaches you about essential skills that will help you host well-planned and productive meetings.


In this course you will learn about:

– The importance of improving your meeting facilitation skills,

– Tips on planning and facilitating meetings,

– Common types of meetings,

– Handling challenging situations in meetings.


And understand:

– What are best practices for planning a meeting,

– What are the most common types of meetings and how you can facilitate them efficiently,

– What approaches can you use to deal with challenging situations in meetings.


Conflict Resolution (30mins)

This 100% online training course teaches you what conflict is, how it affects you and how to handle it.

In this course you will learn about:

– Categories and common causes of work-related conflicts,

– Constructive and destructive conflicts,

– Preventing conflict – warning signs, understanding the other party,

– Strategies for handling conflicts,

– A manager’s role in conflict situations.


And understand:

– What is a conflict and what causes it,

– How to avoid and prevent conflicts,

– How team manager can create a low conflict environment,

– How to approach and handle conflict situations.


Presentation Skills (40mins)

This 100% online training course teaches you ways to prepare and deliver engaging presentations in a confident and impactful way.


In this course you will learn about:

– Ways how to prepare a presentation,

– Best practices for presentation design,

– Strategies for delivering good presentations,

– Dealing with stress and fear of public speaking.


And understand:

– Why preparing for a presentation is essential,

– How to write good content for the presentation,

– Basics rules for adding visuals to the presentation,

– How to successfully deliver your presentation,

– How to speak and move during presentation and how to overcome fear.


Key benefits of our training

- Interactive and comprehensive content applicable to every workplace

- Accessible 24/7

- Perfect for remote workers

- Includes a knowledge check

- Students can download a certificate of completion upon successful completion of the course and knowledge review

- Full reporting available


Bulk Buy Discounts

If you have a larger number of employees that you need to train, or an ongoing requirement, you can save money by purchasing courses from us in bulk.


Our bulk offers can apply to any of our CPD courses, or any combination that you choose. We can also put together specialist packages to suit your individual requirements and budget.

- 10+ courses = 10% discount

- 50+ courses = 20% discount

- 100+ courses = 30% discount

- 400+ courses = 40% discount


If you are an enterprise customer with a requirement for 500+ courses, please contact the team so that we can make bespoke arrangements, including a dedicated account manager and the possibility of combining our Learning Management System creation services with your courses so that you have a dedicated portal where your employees can access your courses.